Being Eight Years Old

TBP’s Cubing Stories Prompt

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I had a pet turtle
Who crooned like a loon
Every night we sang
To the moon
To the moon

We built a small tepee
In the yard, rough hewn
Played with toy arrows
Through the month of  June

Shooting apples so ripe
Mushy shreds were strewn
Eviction note came
Very soon
Very soon

TBP’s Cubing Stories #2

13 thoughts on “Being Eight Years Old

    1. Matt – No, I have never had that experience. BUT, if you write about it, I will – because that’s how you write! The more I read you, and re-read your stories, especially with your “Sally” book, I’m realizing how “immersive” your stories are – it’s both in the words that you choose and the energy behind the words. Your recent post about the barn is a great example of this, as is the “cooking breakfast” story I was happy to see you re-post. 🙂


      1. Thank you, Lola. I’ve been so busy with Gavin and life that I haven’t mad time to sit and develop a new story to submit. But, I have three and I need to focus, yet again, on sending them out. It’s easy for me to happily let days pass when I’m with the family I wished to have for so many years. Thank you for the support, I appreciate it.


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