Several Shades of Smitten

Mind and Life Matters Limerick Challenge Week 22  
Prompt: “COLOR

kiss cba5782875f94a89b05562e561b957a4

When she smiled at him he blushed bright red

When he tried to speak, his language skills fled

Too enamored to see

She was the same hue as he

He cringed as crimson blotches spread

One day she sledge hammered the ice

Told him she liked him, thought he was nice

He saw her rosy blush

Right then he did rush

To kiss her sweet lips once or twice

When he suddenly leapt to a handstand

She on the lawn, thought it was quite grand

They kissed and kissed more

She felt muscles galore

Odds of summer fun were about to expand

No moral of this tale need be written

We’ve all felt the highs of being smitten

Brilliant colors abound

Fine music in all sounds

Oh yes, by the love bug you’ve been bitten

Google Images: labeled for non-commercial use

10 thoughts on “Several Shades of Smitten

    1. Rashmi,
      Thank you so much for including my limerick in the top five! I had great fun with it and I do appreciate the honor. 🙂


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