Beyond the Pale: A Nice Girl’s Tale

Limerick Poetry Challenge week 47: “Tell Me A Story”


At the Pub Out Beyond the Pale
Raucous revelry did prevail
She entered the din
Though t’was a great sin
As she downed her first taste of ale

Pounding music and lively dancing
The sweaty young men came romancing
She dipped and she twirled
In this fun new world
Like a dream it was oh, so entrancing

He asked, may I offer you another?
A much stronger ale than the other
Yes, thank you, she said
Then she yanked her head
At the yells of her older brother

How dare you come into this place!
His voice bellowed and filled up the space
Ma and Pa are mad
So mad you’ll be glad
To start praying for mercy and grace

To the nunnery she was sent
Further wickedness to prevent
Regrets, she had none
For one night of fun
There was plenty of time to repent!

Mind and Life Matters Limerick Challenge

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